$49.00 USD

Every month

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This subscription will continue to be billed monthly until canceled at the rate of $49/ month. Cancel anytime within your student dashboard.

Email [email protected] with any membership-related questions.


Private Education - Monthly Membership

Our signature method is perfect for beauty or wellness professionals who:

  • Want to generate 4-6 new client requests per month
  • Want to set up a proven marketing and retention funnel within their business
  • Need a roadmap to double their income
  • Need to master a content creation schedule that books clients on repeat
  • Want to create a unique, authentic brand identity 
  • Want to offer their clients a quality experience 
  • Want to specialize in premium blonde and balayage services


Here's what's included: 

The Business Specialist

Week 1: Intro to the Wheel of Success™

  • Intro to our signature Wheel of Success™ formula - how to structure your business for six-figure success
  • Setting your financial goals + retirement planning
  • Mindset + goal-setting 

Week 2: Marketing + Sales

  • Mastering your marketing funnel
  • Setting up your socials
  • Speaking to your ideal client
  • Elements of a powerful brand
  • Marketing on TikTok vs. Instagram
  • SEO strategy + social media alternatives 

Week 3: Content Creation

  • Content types- Aspirational, Education, Transformation, Transparency, Leadership
  • Content formats 
  • How often to post
  • How to get client testimonials
  • Infusing buyer psychology into your video content

Week 4: Service Menu + Price Increases

  • How to structure your service menu
  • How to price your services for 10k/ months
  • How to evaluate when to raise your prices
  • How to work less and make twice as much

Week 5: Client Experience

  • Setting up your client communications for success
  • How to navigate difficult clients or experiences
  • Client retention strategies
  • Salon policy guidlines

 BONUS Trainings: 

My Six-Figure Stylist Secrets Masterclass: What sets apart beauty professionals who "Make It" 

Clientele-Growth Training: Step-by-step guide to use models to grow your clientele from scratch 

Passive Income 101: How to create your own membership site 

Total Value: $10,550

The Blonde Specialist 

Module 1 - California Balayage™

  • This hand-painted, dimensional balayage technique is best for clients who want to go 4-6 months between appointments.
  • Gloss application and styling included. 

Module 2 - Heavy Blonding + Base Lift™

  • This high-impact blonde foiling placement is best for clients who want maximum blonde in one session without sacrificing a natural result.
  • Included is a mini-tutorial on base lifts.

Formula Guidbook (Redken Shades EQ)

  • Brunettes
  • Blondes
  • Lowlights
  • Base Bumps

BONUS Tutorials ($2,500 value)

  1. Blonde Money Piece + Hand-Painted Balayage
  2. Brunette Teasylights
  3. Grey Blending with Redken Shades + Hand-Painting
  4. Sunkissed Foiling Placement



  • Private Community Access
  • Access to our members-only PRO Education Newsletter
  • New trainings added monthly
  • Cancel anytime

What Our Students Are Saying:

I needed to stay current and offer my clients the newest trends. The balayage, blonde, and social media education from Soho Blondes has been extremely helpful for my business. Giselle offers great tips and everything is very modern. This has definitely upped my game and clients noticed and appreciate it. The whole process was explained in a way that was easy to comprehend. I will continue taking Soho Blondes classes as long as they are offered!

Before joining Soho Blondes Pro, I was a beginner colorist. The industry has changed and I needed to add more services to offer clients to grow my personal business. Since learning the techniques from Soho Blondes, I have added more balayage clients to my book.

I feel much more confident with the information I’ve gathered through each Soho Blondes training. Personally, I would say that all of the modules have helped me in many business aspects.

All of the business and marketing has helped me so much. I haven't been able to find this kind of information anywhere else.